
Your Support goes a long way

As a non-profit, Wingren relies on the financial support of donors like you to maintain its activities.


Donations of any size are very much encouraged and greatly appreciated. Wingren is a non-profit public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States (otherwise known as an “IRS 501(c)(3) public charity”). All donations to Wingren are tax-deductible. Also, Wingren Center is a Guidestar registered charity.


Additionally, some employers are willing to match your donation. If you need help registering Wingren for your employer’s matching program, please contact Joe Archer at


You can donate to support Wingren’s mission via:

Zelle payments to

PayPal payments by following this link.

Checks can be made out to ‘Wingren Foundation, Inc.’


Where your donations go

The Center

A Home

Wingren provides a family atmosphere, in part, by keeping the property well maintained, and primarily the oratory, in which the Blessed Sacrament is present in the tabernacle.


Character and Professional Development

Wingren’s high school and college activities include academic seminars, speaker series, service trips, and activities of Christian formation among many others.